Not so long ago I reviewed the first in this series, Magic Bites. The only thing I can say is that this book was just as good if not a little better. Kate and company are back and busy as ever, with the addition of a few new faces. My favorite being Bran. He is a slippery and oh so sexy thief that Kate has to chase down. One of my favorite and saddest scenes from the book involve him and Kate.
Curran, the beast lord himself is obviously back as well. I love the relationship between Kate and "His Majesty". I like that the author doesn't have them rushing into a relationship. It grows in this book taking Kate a little by surprise. The reader, not so much. But I find it entertaining when the reader can see where something is going before the character in the book. It was also nice to see a soft side to Kate. She and Curran had an open and honest moment that was really sweet. Two moments actually.
I enjoyed the plot in this installment. We get to see more about the witches and the types of gods they worship. Let me tell you, some of them, not so pretty. A little fishy you might say.
If you have not had the pleasure of reading this series I highly recommend it. It starts with Magic Bites.
You can visit the authors' web page here.
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