Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

Atlanta is a city immersed in magic. Like the tides, when the magic is up, modern technology fails (guns don't fire, cars don't start, etc.) and magicians and other supernatural beings rule the world. In the midst of all this are organizations like the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid whose mission it is to keep the peace. But when knight-diviner Greg Feldman -- the guardian of Daniels -- is ripped to shreds by some unknown monstrosity, the butt-kicking heroine vows to avenge his murder at any cost. Her investigation, however, places her directly between the Pack, a powerful clan of shape-changers, and the Masters of the Dead, a group of necromancers who control a virtual army of vampires…

My favorite thing about this book was the slight differences between it and others in the genre. I liked that the vampires weren't overly beautiful versions of humans (not that there is anything wrong with that). They are grotesque shells, controlled by Necromancers, pretty cool and slightly creepy idea. The other difference I liked had to do with the pack. Most times when a pack is involved, there is only one animal form. Not so in this book, they all come together to form a pack, there are leaders per each grouping of animal, but they form one pack with one Beast Lord. I have one word to describe him, YUMMY! And he is not a wolf.

And now on to the main character. I liked Kate as a main character, it was easy to follow her story and become encased in her world. And what a world it is. Magic runs amok and technology is finding it hard to keep up. I like the world that Andrews has created, and having a sword wielding heroine is never a bad thing.

Visit the author's web page here.


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