Kiss of Death by Rachel Caine

A new chapter in the New York Times bestselling Morganville Vampires saga. Vampire musician Michael Glass has attracted the attention of a big- time producer who wants to cut a demo and play some gigs-which means Michael will have to enter the human world. For this, he's been assigned escorts that include both a dangerous immortal as well as Michael's all-too-human friends. And with that mix of personalities, this is going to be a road trip from hell...

I really enjoy the Morganville Vampires series. My favorite part has been watching the growing relationship between Claire and Shane. They are just so darn cute!

This book was exciting because we get to step outside of Morganville and hit the road. Too bad the road hit back. It was a pretty exciting book, full of seedy hotel rooms and backwords country folk. Vampires are not the only bad things out there.

My favorite charcter out of this book was Linda. She's rough and tough and can bake one mean chocolate chip cookie.

It was fun getting to know a new cast of charcters but I have to admit I missed being in Morganville with Myrnin and his flip flops. But a vacation is nice every once and a while.

Visit the author's webpage here.


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