What do you consider the most important in a story: the plot or the characters?
For me it would have to be characters. If I really enjoy the characters, they could be chasing pink bunny rabbits through space for all I care. As long as I can identify with, or am at least entertained by the characters that is all that matters. Having a good plot does help though.

What did you study in college, or are currently studying, and did it lead to your current 9-5, or are you doing something completely different?
In college I studied Psychology and got my degree. It did lead to my current job working in a treatment center with dual focus of chemical dependency and mental health. I love characters in books that are slightly neurotic and a little crazy!
Have a good weekend!
Pink bunnies in space that gives me an idea....
Your newest follower!
Awesome that you're able to work in the field you majored in :)
I agree with your answer - a good character can make me trudge through a bad plot although both are preferable of course.
Have a great weekend!
Hello! I am your newest follower from a Friday Blog Hop! I would love it if you can follow back at one or all four of my blogs :)
Have a great weekend!
Hi New Follower. I love Pat's Mercedes Thompson series. Haven't read this other one. Can't wait for Rivermarked.Your work sounds interesting. I am plot driven but I like the characters to be unique, not cookie cutter. See more of my answers at Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
email: steph@fangswandsandfairydust.com
twitter: @fangswandsfairy
First-time visitor...love the bright book covers in your header.
Hopping by from the blog hop.
Lots of good answers to this week's tough question.
Stop by my blog to see my answer to this week's question.
Also check out a design site I found...pretty neat home decorating ideas...it is in the right side panel on my blog.
Happy Holidays!!
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